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Facebook “Donate Now ”Button is Here!

Screen-Shot-2015-08-24-at-3.29.11-PMWe’re approaching the fourth quarter! As we each prepare to take stock of our strategies, we can make organizational decisions about what to do differently next year. For many, Facebook may have been in the running for a major priority demotion! It’s harder than ever to get posts seen organically without paying for ads and nonprofits have long been complaining that they don’t often see donations resulting from Facebook engagment. Facebook doesn’t want to lose those of us in the nonprofit sector though! After twenty months, they have finally made the elusive DONATE NOW button available to all of us ( with a few tweaks)! The button is like the other calls to action already available to all Facebook Page accounts. Hopefully, you’re already using the signs up or watch a video options!?

Facebook released this statement: “Every day, people use Facebook to raise awareness and support for causes they care about and to motivate others to do the same,” Facebook said in a statement. “We’re inspired by how much good comes from these connections, so we’ve added ‘Donate Now’ calls-to-action on Pages and link ads to make those connections easier than ever.


With the new button, donors are directed right to your own website to donate. This may be a good way to drive new people to your website. or maybe a cumbersome extra step for donors considering a donation. Time will tell!

We’re looking forward to seeing how it works for clients and causes we support. Have you set your button up?

Will this news impact your end of year social media evaluation? What other social media news is driving your social media strategy?