Finish Strong in 2014
We are in September – can you believe it? The next few months are going to fly by – with all the holidays, end of the year activities, and work that has to get done.
There are some real tangible things you as a fundraiser can do to finish the year off strong. Here’s your bucket list for the final three months – start acting on it now:
- Institutional support: identify and meet all final proposal deadlines – there is still money out there to request in 2014. Finish strong, get in some big grant requests before the end of the year. Also, identify the proposals you need to get out in January, February, and March 2015. Get ahead of the game, so your workflow is manageable.
- Major donor activity: many organizations will be holding fundraisers this fall. Make sure you are meeting with, sharing program updates and news with, and offering opportunities for involvement and investment to your major donors. Make specific asks to those who have not yet given in 2014. Don’t let the year get away without them giving an annual gift (either matching or exceeding previous gifts).
- End of the year appeal: Shape the approach of your end-of-the-year appeal. Make a strong, compelling pitch. Show off your most impressive work, while highlighting the need for continued investment. And plan your timing right – should you make your pitch before Thanksgiving? #GivingTuesday falls on Tuesday, December 2nd this year. Perhaps that is the best day to launch your end of the year appeal – or at least a great day to promote it! Get your appeal pitch ready and create a promotion calendar now.
Fight the urge to feel like 2014 is all wrapped up and ready for storage. You’ve got a bit more time to finish the year strong. Hustle – move your best opportunities forward – and gather the momentum to start the new year fresh and full of possibility.