Giving Tuesday And Giving Thanks
If ever there was a time to give thanks, this is it.
We, like so many others in the tri-state area, have been spared the worst of Hurricane Sandy. We hope you have been too. Each of us probably has our own tale of weathering the storm, challenges confronted, kindness received, and that exceptional New York (and New Jersey!) spirit.
As we know, it’s far from over.
If you are working on recovery after the storm, whether through your organization or on your own: thank you.
The last few weeks have shown us that crises can bring out the best in people and organizations. But there are lessons to take to heart – like what no nonprofit marketer should do in a disaster.
And then there’s the very valid concern for how a catastrophe like Sandy will impact one’s own fundraising efforts.
On that note, here’s a great resource from Philanthropy New York tracking philanthropic responses to Hurricane Sandy.
But, that’s not all. A new initiative could bring that much-needed, fresh (and hopefully, enduring) infusion of hope to nonprofit fundraisers: Giving Tuesday. Its goal is to “create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season” – that would be right after Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
Giving Tuesday is November 27, a week from today. Check it out and join in.
And please, have an exceptionally memorable time with family and friends this week.