Dear Nonprofit Leader, I Have a Present for You,
This is the view from my desk as I started writing this: grey, rainy, visibly chilly, a tree barren of its leaves, and across the distance, a tiny, barely visible glimmer of red and yellow light.
Some days, I neglect to see the light at all.
Other days, the sun is out so bright the little lights are invisible.
And on certain days, the lights seem to twinkle just for me. Simply because on those days I take a minute to look at them.
When was the last time you took a minute to gaze out the window at the middle space of nothing, not thinking about the next thing you have to do, or a problem you have to solve, or even what you’ll have for dinner?
In the midst of year-end fundraising, closing out the books, planning for the new year, procuring gifts and goodies for the holidays, making friends and family, traveling (let’s not even go there), this is my little gift to you:
Take A Minute For You.
Yes, finish reading this post, look away from your screen, put your phone away, and… enjoy a “me-moment” of doing absolutely nothing. If nothing else, you’ll probably be trying something new.
And, if you like it, here’s some extra good news: you don’t even need to return to this post to take a minute again and again and again –- whenever you need it.
Happy Holidays! [Oh, right, you’re not reading this anymore, you’re taking your minute.]
We’ll be here when you return.